Governing Documents

The UOSU is governed by the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, the UOSU Constitution, and the UOSU’s policies and positions. For any ideas or questions about these documents, please contact the UOSU President ( or the Chair of the Board (

UOSU Budget & Audit

UOSU Constitution

  • The Constitution is the supreme document that governs the UOSU and must always be followed.
  • The Constitution describes the UOSU’s mandate as “advocating on behalf of and providing services to undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa.”
  • It outlines the rights of members and the functions of the General Assembly, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Appeals Committee, Ombudsperson, Staff, and the UOSU’s obligations to Recognized Student Governments.
  • It also outlines the rules governing Elections, Impeachments, Finances, and Clubs.
  • Changes to the Constitution must be approved by the Fall General Assembly. Most changes can also be made temporarily by the Board of Directors. Some changes require a higher threshold of member involvement, or even a referendum.
UOSU Constitution

UOSU Positions

  • The UOSU’s Positions lay out the position of the UOSU on a given social and/or political issue. These Positions guide the organization and the Executive Committee in its advocacy and campaign efforts.
  • Positions are adopted by the General Assembly, but can also temporarily be approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Positions must be reviewed every three years.
UOSU Positions

UOSU General Policies

  • The UOSU’s General Policies, approved by the Board of Directors, are policies that impact the whole organization, and all events, services, campaigns, and initiatives affiliated with it.
  • These policies must be reviewed every 1 to 3 years, as indicated at the bottom of the policy document.
  • Changes can be made to policies by the Board, on the recommendation of one of the Board’s Committees, as indicated at the top of policy document.
  • If you have an idea for a new policy or a change to an existing policy, please contact the Chair of the UOSU’s Board ( or your representative on the Board of Directors
UOSU General Policies

Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act

  • The University of Ottawa Students’ Union is registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the federal government. This means that it must respect the rules outlined in the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (CNCA).
  • The CNCA outlines general rules for not-for-profit corporations, such as the roles and responsibilities of officers and directors, auditing requirements, record-keeping requirements, and the rights of members.
  • Here is the latest version of the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (CNCA).
Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act

UOSU Internal Policies

  • The UOSU’s Internal Policies, approved by the Executive Committee, relate to the management of human resources and the working conditions of UOSU employees.
  • To inquire about access to the UOSU’s Internal Policies, please contact the UOSU President (